Almost had called announcing problems many times there was a Vilanculos route before and one after. This is the story of the worst day of our trip:
-The worst day of travel a lot and we loaded up early many things who were scattered in our camp. Then we went to the cars in Gorongosa and stopped in the city of Chimoio for shopping. They wanted to change money to some guys who exchanged money at the grocery store parking lot. They passed bills in your hands very quickly and tried again and again fool with a brazen removing a ticket at the last moment. Then, tired of screaming at such crude deception sterile, decidimos mandarlos a… y ellos se quedaron sorprendidos y casi enfadados porque nos enfadábamos cuando ellos intentaban engañarnos. We got to say "do not do business like pattern", as claiming that we should be deceived. Then, made a good buy with all the alcohol and food needed, in that order. That happened at the beginning of the worst day of the trip.
Tired of yelling at such crude deception sterile, decidimos mandarlos a…
-The worst day of the trip we had lunch in the middle of nowhere, at the exit of a village where one has to get the feeling that you drop a blanket of dust in the back. Regularly ate a sandwich and take a drink regularly also next to a cement house old old tree branches bent of boredom. We can say we ate somewhere bad and ugly in the worst day of our trip.
-The worst day of travel a stone Moon blew my car. I did not see coming because at that time I was turning to take water. I heard a very loud sound and saw that had small pieces of glass through my body and a big hole in the glass 4×4. Then I saw that we were all well, including Martin who was co-pilot. We stopped, put duct tape, joked a lot of what happened and still way happy because it was not anything serious. It was the first time a car had a problem and it happened on the worst day of our trip.
A moon rock burst my car
-The worst day of travel we arrived at the city of Tete which is the least beautiful of all the places where to sleep on this trip. We arrived at a charming hotel, by the river, where we saw a beautiful sunset over the legendary Zambezi River. The scene was brutal. On the river bank, below us, had dozens of people washing their bodies and clothes. Women and men who showed naked while scrubbing their skins and fabrics. Above them, in the distance, they watched the sun go down over the water, in one of those pictures that you drilled gaze Africa. So happy we were having a beer and watching the scene when he arrived the receptionist told us that they were full but that two miles to the south had rooms in another hotel of the same owner. We had a confirmed reservation four days before, but little importance Mozambique reservations and more when the date coincides with the worst day of the trip.
-The worst day of travel we arrived at our new hotel. Sparkled, too, because we were the first customers. The site was nice, by the river, although the quarter ship containers were. A few dozen containers scattered on a white pebble stones had no mosquito nets and smelled like paint. That took a while to figure it out because the manager was opening the rooms and we were always a surprise. Or no two beds, or were made or no beds. Era como una tómbola en la que íbamos dando vueltas y abriendo puertas hasta que todos sacamos premio y pudimos alojarnos. Then, some were given a bath in a nice pool and ate a meal it took to get much. We did it by the river, surrounded by hundreds of mosquitos. Actually, not bad the rest of the night. Less Hotel, everything was good to sleep on the worst day of our trip.
Or no two beds, or were made or no beds
-The worst day of our trip dawned very early. Victor was to change the moon car and got it and I was making payments. Despite booking confirmation emails and prices, not be any room prepared and the smell of paint and lack of mosquito nets, the bill was even higher than the previous ( and because it was much). In vain our hard complaints, not stop sucking blood from a tourist visiting your hotel on the worst day of your trip.
-The worst day of our trip we headed to Malawi. We did a road gray road they call. There were so many potholes, deep holes and caves in something that once was asphalt that we released the ropes that held the bags in the car cow. We stopped, the wrong change and follow the path of the devil that path I left the hands, sight and wheels from interesting conversations and jokes. Finally llege Malawi, a la frontera, where lured back to Victor to change and where we gave the worst terminated 24 hours of our trip.
PD. The worst day of our trip was a good day trip.
P.D.2. So we did not know, but that was not the worst day of our trip.